Contact Us
Lehigh Valley Tea Party
Choose A Membership Term:
One year membership $25.00
Three year membership $70.00
Five year membership $110.00
First Name
Your First Name is Required
Last Name
Your Last Name is Required
Your Street Address is Required
Your City/Town is Required
State (i.e., PA)
Your 2 letter State is Required
Your 5 Digit Zip Code is Required
Email Address (use lower case only)
Your Email Address is Required
Cell Phone (Numbers only. No spaces, dashes, etc.)
Your Cell Phone is Required
Alternate Phone
Create an Account Password
You must create a pasword
Set Account Preferences:
Yes, send me meeting notices and announcements
No, don't email announcements and news
Set Email Preferences
Yes, call to remind me of monthly meetings
No, don't call to remind me
Set Voice Call Preferences
Yes, send monthly meeting reminders to my cell phone above
No, don't text alerts or announcements to me
Set Text Messaging Preferences
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